Age, coffee, tea, soda, juice, wine, and even certain fruits and sauces can all discolor the enamel of your teeth. While not life-threatening, this discoloration can negatively affect your smile's appearance while decreasing your self-esteem. Reducing your risk of stains is possible, but avoiding the discoloration long term can be difficult. Fortunately, an LED whitening treatment decreases stains while brightening the overall white color of your teeth. Here are a few important things to know about LED whitening treatments:

Uses Light

Removing food particles, plaque, and tartar through a detailed brushing and rinsing is possible. In addition, your dental hygienist can use dental-grade tools to scrape away stubborn buildup on the teeth. However, removing deep stains that have penetrated the tooth enamel will require a more involved treatment.

LED whitening treatments use a dental-grade bleaching agent and an actual light. After applying the bleaching gel to the tooth surface, the LED light is directed onto the tooth to activate the bleaching agents.

The use of LED lights ensures the teeth are whitened in a more efficient and effective manner compared to a basic cleaning or at-home whitening method.

Not Permanent

LED whitening treatments are efficient and effective, but they do not offer permanent results that last a lifetime.

Continuous treatments are recommended to maintain a white and bright smile. You should also reduce your consumption of tooth-staining food and drinks once you begin these whitening treatments. Avoid coffee, tea, soda, juice, and wine, since they contain dyes that quickly stain your tooth enamel. In addition, the acidic properties in these beverages will erode enamel, increasing the risk of further staining and other dental issues.

Tooth Sensitivity Is Normal

During the process of whitening your teeth with LED technology, your teeth become dehydrated due to the use of bleaching agents and the strong laser light. This dehydration reduces the insulation that protects underlying nerves. Without insulation, your teeth and nerves will be exposed to the various temperatures of the air, food, and drinks.

After your whitening treatment, you will most likely experience tooth sensitivity. This sensitivity can be so uncomfortable you will be unable to eat or drink hot and cold foods or beverages.

Fortunately, the sensitivity lasts a few hours only, but you should be aware that the temporary discomfort will occur.

LED whitening is an innovative option to consider if you have stained teeth, but a proper understanding is essential. This guide and your cosmetic dentist's help will help you determine if LED whitening is the right option for you. Contact a cosmetic dental services office for more information and assistance. 
