If you have dental anxieties that prevent you from feeling comfortable going to the dentist, those anxieties may also prevent you from getting the care that you need to keep your mouth and teeth healthy and protected. While such anxieties and fears can be difficult to deal with, there are ways that you can go about overcoming and managing those anxieties and issues so that you can at least get into the dentist's office to clean your teeth and deal with dental emergencies. Get to know some of the ways that you can do just that so you can schedule your next appointment with less fear and apprehension.

Talk To Your Doctor About Treatments For Your Anxiety Issues

While you may feel as though you only experience anxiety when it comes to going to the dentist, this does not mean that you do not have an anxiety disorder that could be medically diagnosed. In fact, phobias can be considered a form of anxiety disorder.

Because of this, one of the first steps that you should take is to talk to your primary care doctor about your struggles with anxiety when it comes to going to the dentist. They may be able to prescribe you with a medication or multiple medications that can help you to better manage your anxiety. There are daily medications that are designed to reduce a person's overall high-stress reaction to situations and there are medications that can be taken just as needed for panic attacks or anxiety-inducing situations like going to the dentist. That way, you could take a medication prior to going to the dentist and feel more calm and relaxed once you are there.

Consider Sedation Dentistry

If you are not already attached or committed to your current dentist, you may want to look for a dental care provider that offers sedation dentistry options. This type of dental care involves the use of sedative prescription drugs to help a person feel more calm and relaxed during dental appointments and visits. The amount of sedation used will depend entirely on your levels of anxiety about going to the dentist as well as the procedures that you will need.

Mild sedation is similar to the medications that can get from your primary care physician which you would take for a panic attack. However, there is also moderate sedation which is a form of sedation that further calms you and may make it so you do not fully remember the procedures (though you will still be awake). Deeper sedation and full general anesthesia are used more for surgical procedures, tooth extractions, or for people with extreme anxiety.

With these options in mind, you can be sure that you better manage your dental anxiety and get the dental care that you need to keep your mouth healthy.  
